Academic Forgiveness

Academic Forgiveness provides students with a second chance at success. Every currently enrolled, fully-admitted, degree-seeking undergraduate student who has completed a minimum of three semesters of coursework at Judson University may apply for academic forgiveness. Students who have already earned their degree are not eligible for Academic Forgiveness. The following conditions will apply:

  • A maximum of 18 credit hours may be applied for Academic Forgiveness
  • Forgiven grades must be lower than a C-
  • The grades to be forgiven must have been earned the first time the course was attempted (a repeat grade may not be forgiven)
  • Only Judson University coursework is eligible for forgiveness (transfer courses do not qualify)
  • Forgiveness may not be applied to courses in the Honors Program
  • Courses intended to be repeated for additional credit, such as applied music, are not eligible for Academic Forgiveness

If approved, the original grades will remain on the student’s transcript, but a notation will be made that the grades have been forgiven and are not included in the overall GPA, or counted towards satisfaction of degree requirements. Semester honors (Dean’s List, etc.) and Academic Standing (Warning, Probation, etc.) will not change retroactively due to academic forgiveness.

This policy may be used only once in a student’s career, and cannot be revoked once done.

Judson University is not responsible for the evaluation of forgiven coursework at other institutions.

Academic Forgiveness (for readmits)

A student seeking readmission to the University after two or more years may petition for academic forgiveness. Students must meet the requirements listed in the catalog to qualify for readmission; approval for academic forgiveness does not guarantee that a student will be readmitted.

The request must be made to the Registrar before the completion of one full term following readmission. Students may request academic forgiveness for one term of coursework, according to the criteria above.