Doctor of Education Attendance Policy

Attendance is an important component which influences the quality of education at any level of study; however, in a doctoral program it is paramount. One of the key benefits of the Doctor of Education programs is degree completion in four years or less; one of the drawbacks is that this benefit necessitates a strict attendance policy that is adhered to by each professor.

EdD in Literacy/EdD in Leadership and Policy Studies 

Late arrival to class is not acceptable with obvious exceptions being made for unavoidable circumstances. An evident pattern of late arrival will be addressed by the Program Directors.

To graduate from doctoral degree programs, candidates must have attended 95% of their classes. This allows for only ten absences throughout the entire program, and even those absences must fall within specific parameters:

  • One absence is permitted from a course. Two absences from the same three-hour course will result in the final grade being lowered by one letter grade.
  • Arriving late for class twice within the same course will equal an absence.

A student who misses more than ten class sessions throughout the entire program will, under most circumstances, be automatically withdrawn from the program.

Appeals may be made to the Program Directors with regard to unusual or extenuating circumstances which impact attendance in any of the aforementioned situations.

EdD in Computer Science

A pattern of absences, e.g., missing class meetings or assignments in two or more consecutive courses, may result in an administrative withdrawal from the program. Any changes in course schedules also affect financial aid.

To graduate from this degree program, candidates must have attended each residency. Due to the nature of the residency program, it is paramount that candidates attend each residency in its entirety. International students who are on F-1 status need to understand that missing any part of the residency could have implications on their ability to maintain legal status.

  • In the event of an extreme emergency, the program director will determine if and when a make-up session is possible. A fee of three-hundred dollars ($300) may be assessed to each candidate who is required to have a make-up session.
  • A candidate will be allowed to make-up only one (1) residency during the length of the total program. If more than one residency is required, the student will be considered out of compliance and may face possible removal from the program.
  • Arriving late for class twice in a residency session or for more than two hours will equal an absence. Necessity for a make-up session will be discussed.

Appeals may be made to the Program Directors with regard to unusual or extenuating circumstances which impact attendance in any of the aforementioned situations.

Communication Policy

The primary method of communication between graduate students and the University will be through the Judson University e-mail accounts.

While enrolled in the Doctor of Education programs, students have the responsibility to check their Judson University e-mail accounts daily for timely and important communication that may be sent from the program director, professors teaching in the program, or offices of the University.

It is the responsibility of the student to notify their instructor(s) and the Program Chair of any absences, and to provide documentation supporting any medical leave. The Program Chair will then notify the Academic Advisor, and Registrar as appropriate.

Students admitted to and entering the Doctor of Education programs must accept full responsibility for consequences resulting from a failure to regularly read and respond to e-mails related to coursework or university obligations. Graduate students experiencing difficulty in using a Judson University e-mail account should notify both the I.T. Help Desk at 847.628.4357 and the program director 847.628.1093.


Verification of Attendance

Students who request proof of their attendance in a face-to-face course may request a letter from their instructor confirming their participation. Students submitting such verification for Visa-related needs should also keep copies of any hotel bills, flight plans, etc.